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Saturday, June 19, 2010

How To Take Care Of Orchids With These Three Techniques

What a beautiful and delicate flower orchids are. Can anyone grow their own flower or should that be left to professional gardeners? The short answer is YES anyone can learn how to take care of these beautiful plants just by learning a few tips and tricks about growing and caring for orchid plants. In this post I will show you just a few tips that will help in properly caring for these amazing flowers. Discover how to take care of them with these three easy and simple tasks.

Task #1 Humidity

As many enthusiasts know that they are very moisture hungry organisms that will need enough humidity to thrive properly. The humidity level in your greenhouse if you have one or on the windowsill should be at least 60%. They thrive in plenty of moisture and can actually have up to 80% humidity in their environment. You can purchase a device called a hygrometer to measure the humidity in your home, greenhouse, or wherever you happen to be growing these flowers.

Normally the summer months will supply them with the correct amount of humidity required for optimum growth. The winter months is when you need to worry about humidity levels. Place a tray underneath your plants that is filled with water and gravel. Place them on the tray making sure it doesn't touch the water. This will give your flowers adequate amount of moisture for proper growth. If you don't like this idea then you can always purchase yourself a humidifier to provide them a more accurate amount of humidity.

Tip #2 Temperature

They are very sensitive when it comes to the proper temperature you keep the room or greenhouse at. There are three classes of orchid temperatures: medium, cool, and warm classes. This seems pretty simple doesn't it? Cool temperature plants will tolerate temperatures from 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit, but not any lower than this. Keep the medium class types at around 60 to 70 degrees. The warm class ones should be at least 70 degrees but not any higher than 80 degrees. Once you find out what class your flower is then you can find out the proper temperature you should keep the room at.

Tip #3 Fertilizer

Not many orchid growers think twice about using fertilizer for their flowers. It is important to use fertilizers for proper growth. They are not very critical to these plants, but they might be need down the road when your flowers have used up all the nutrients from its pot. If you do need to use a fertilizer for your plants you should apply a combination of 10-10-10. This means you should use 10% of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium.

Learning how to take care of orchids is really quite simple when you are given precise instructions. By discovering tips here and there you will be able to grow awesome looking flowers that everybody will look at. Now that you know the secrets to producing blossoms it's time for you to start your new hobby today.

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