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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Understanding The Colors of Your Orchid Leaves

Orchid leaves are what are used to store food for all your plants. They need these leaves in order to flower beautiful blooms and live for many years. Many types shed their leaves as soon as their flower has opened and bloomed. Others however can keep most of the leaves they have for the next season. Although, these older ones will be the first to die once the new season begins.

What Should You Do When Your Leaves are Turning Yellow?

So you’re beginning to see yellow leaves on your plants. What does this mean? Sometimes the older leaves which are usually located at the bottom of the plant tend to turn yellow and die. Other times it could mean you may have a problem with your orchid flowers. Spotted leaves may tell you that a fungus of some kind has infected your flowers and you may need to seek help immediately.

Some Reasons Your Plant Could be Turning Yellow

The health of your orchid can be seen through the leaves of all your plants. Sunlight is also another possible reason for these conditions. As you know orchids do not like bright light and you need to be careful when taking care of these delicate plants. Filtered light is better for them than direct sunshine. This is why you may see spots on your plants because the sun has literally burned your plant.

Avoid Cold Weather at All Costs With These Sensitive Flowers

Cold weather is a killer for pretty much every orchid plant. Not only will your flower die, but the leaves of your orchid will turn yellow as well. It’s not safe to place any of them near windows that often have a cold draft coming through. This cold draft can easily damage your plants quickly. If you need to place it near the window make sure it is at least one foot away from it to avoid the cold air.

Water is Another Problem Beginners Tend to Make

You can even cause your flowers to turn yellow by too much watering as well. This is the rarest reason for your orchid leaves to turn yellow. Black rot can also be located on your plant if you happen to over-water your plants. Keeping your orchids dry will allow them to avoid fungal infections, bacterial infections, and other illnesses that could seriously affect the performance of your plants. Make sure not to water them everyday unless you are using a pot that has really good drainage or your plant is outside in the hot summer months.

These are just some reasons why your orchids may be turning yellow. Just remember whenever you see changes in your plant whether it’s in the leaves, stem, flower, or roots to take note of it. Have a great time growing beautiful blooms.

1 comment:

  1. One of the greatest disasters also is when an orchid plant grower encounter the sudden existence of orchid yellow leaves. Obviously, this is a warning sign that the orchid plants emit. Before we fall into despair asking where we went wrong, it is best to calm down so we can deal with the situation properly. When orchid yellow leaves show up, something not right happened, and because of this, we must immediately do something to prevent things from getting worse.
