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Monday, August 2, 2010

Types of Rare Orchids That are Interesting To Know

Orchids can sometimes be very popular among certain types of people and cultures. Although many people have seen them in the wild or in stores there are some that are extremely rare that not many people have seen. These flowers are often used as collector’s items rather than for growing and taking care of them.

Anything that has some type of scarcity is always being searched for by enthusiasts and collectors. Most of the time these types are usually unique in color or appearance and are usually the most beautiful flowers you can ever find. So let’s discuss some types of rare varieties that you may never have seen or will see.

Let's Look at The Albino Flowers First

One example is the albino Phal Amboinensis. Because of its very unique color of being white and having no pigmentation this plant is very hard to find. The genetic mutation was caused by just one flower and from that one flower spawned a feeding frenzy for hungry collectors. Scientists have recreated the albino orchid using genetically altered flowers, but because they are easily created this makes them worthless as opposed to albino ones that are found in the wild or in their natural habitat.

Cattleyas Are Another Options for You To Discover

Other types include the infamous Cattleya orchids. Many growers have been known to say that these are very difficult to grow them and need very special care. They are one of the most delicate types in the flower kingdom and should not be tried by beginner enthusiasts. They will not bloom unless they are supplied with the exact required sunlight, temperature, and even fertilizer. If you don’t know how to grow these flowers then it is best to just try another type that is readily available.

The Lady Slipper is a Unique Plant To Grow

Paphiopedilums or the lady slipper orchids are sometimes considered rare ones. These were once a very popular plant to have especially in Great Britain and throughout much of Europe. But because people harvested too much of them they became very rare and people stopped growing them almost going extinct. Today they are very hard to find and if you do find one of these flowers, they can be another difficult type to grow without the proper knowledge.

If you happen to want to purchase one of these plants make sure that the flower came from somewhere that was environmentally friendly. You don’t want to get ones that were grown in environmentally harmful ways. Always remember when purchasing these flowers that you are going to spend much money on them because they are not that easy to find at all. Good luck adding rare flowers to your collection.

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