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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cymbidium Orchid Care That is Simple for Anyone to Accomplish

Now it’s time for all of you Cymbidium orchid lovers to read this post because I am going to discuss everything you need to know about caring for these interesting flowers. These plants are not that hard to take care of, but if you don’t have the right knowledge there is no way that you will be able to have healthy plants that will bloom all year round. That is why I decided to write a brief post about them in order for you to understand the simple steps it takes to grow beautiful and colorful flowers.

Take a Look at Some Simple Facts You Should Know

Let’s first of all talk about some simple Cymbidium facts. These flowers are the most widely crossed plants that you can find. What this means is that there are a vast number of hybrids that you can choose from because of the crossbreeding that has been done with these flowers. These beautiful flowers come in a variety of colors as well including red, blue, pink, yellow, and even white.

Lighting and Temperature are Important Factors to Consider

Proper temperature and lighting is very important not just to orchids, but any type of flower. Living in a high humidity environment is beneficial for you because most of them love humidity and flourish in this moist habitat. Although you don’t necessarily need to live in a humid climate you can create your own humidity by using a humidifier which can add moisture into the air.

Cymbidiums are an excellent plant because they can tolerate much cooler temperatures compared to many other orchid species. You should plant them in a temperature of about 65-80 degrees Fahrenheit. This will ensure proper conditions for you flowers. Don’t let the temperature drop below 50 degrees.

You shouldn’t leave your flowers in direct sunlight as this is very dangerous for any orchid and could cause much harm to the leaves and flower. It’s much better to place them on a windowsill with some type of filter in front of your plant. For example you can place a curtain in front of them and this will act as a filter for your plant and will not be direct sunlight. If you have a south facing window this would be ideal.

Watering Can Easily be Completed With This Simple Procedure

Proper watering is also another essential factor of Cymbidium care. The ideal way of watering the soil medium is to make sure you keep it moist. Having too much is more harmful for your plant than having not enough. Both of these conditions you want to avoid, but under-watering your plant is safer for them than having too much. Having too much water can spread disease, fungus, viruses, bacteria and many other harmful spores.

How Exactly to Fertilize Your Flowers Correctly

Fertilizer should be used for proper care as well. Many people believe that fertilizer will harm their flowers and will never use it. This is not true because at some point the medium will have no more nutrients for your plants and your flowers will crave for more nutrients. This is when you should feed your flowers. Usually after they have bloomed you should feed them a 20-20-20 mixture. This should be adequate for having healthy and thriving flowers.

Cymbidium orchid care is an easy process and you don’t need to be a professional to understand the simplicity of it. Now you can purchase them and start growing them in your home starting right now.

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