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Thursday, July 15, 2010

How To Successfuly Begin Growing Orchids Indoors

Growing orchids indoors is much easier to accomplish than what many people actually think it is. Planting beautiful flowers in your own home is an enthusiast’s ultimate goal and it can easily be done with just a little bit of correct information and knowledge. That’s what this post is about; successfully cultivating these flowers in order to produce amazing blossoms. Here are just a few things that you need to know when planting orchids indoors.

The Best Types Made for This Job

When it comes to indoor orchids there are a few that are the best for this job. Almost all of them can be grown inside, but there are a few that are made for this purpose. First of all moth orchids are one of the best to grow in your home because of their variety of colors and beautiful blooms.

You can even grow Lady Slippers indoors as well. These are just two of the best ones you should try out for yourself. Just remember that almost any type can be easily cultivated inside, but they must have the right conditions in order for them to thrive.

Best Places To Setup a Habitat for Your Flowers

First of all you need to determine the best place to produce the results you are looking for. You need to find a spot such as a window sill, usually one that is facing the south side as this is where the sun is at its strongest, but you need to make sure it is not direct sunlight. Since you don’t want to burn your plants you will need to filter out some of the sunlight especially during the hot summer months when the sun is really bright.

You can place a curtain or a cloth in front of your flowers to give them the right amount of filtered sunlight. If you don’t have a curtain or a cloth you can always place them in direct sunlight in the morning or late in the day and during the daytime you can put it in the shade.

Moisture is One Factor Most People Forget About

Another factor that is critical for these plants is maintaining correct humidity levels. Keeping proper humidity inside of your house or the area of where your flowers are growing is essential for optimum growth. If you give your orchids at least 60-80% humidity in their area this will result in beautiful and colorful blossoms.

During the cold months or when the air is especially dry you will need to add humidity to the air. A humidifier is a good thing to purchase if you want to grow healthy flowers. I would also suggest getting a hygrometer to measure the level of humidity in the air.

These are just a couple of tips that should help you to grow orchids indoors successfully. Remember that with the right information you can easily plant any type of flower and have strong thriving plants.

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