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Monday, July 12, 2010

What You Need To Know about Successfully Pruning Orchids

I have found that many people are not that fond of pruning orchids and they believe that they will survive without it. Well unfortunately this is not the case and you will have to do some trimming of these plants. Don't worry though, because this process takes only two seconds as long as you know exactly what you are doing. This post I have made especially for those who are struggling with cutting their flowers and want to learn how easy it can really be for them.

Using The Select Tools That Will Help You Succeed

First you need to have the right tools and equipment before going off and cut your orchids. Pruning shears are the most common tool to use among many enthusiasts and it is the one that I recommend. You don’t need to have shears and you can use your hands to cut your flowers as well. If you use your hands when trimming, then it is important to wear gloves when handling these plants.

Why Pruning is So Important for These Flowers

Remember that performing this task is not that difficult. The reason you need to perform this process is so that you can stimulate new plant growth on the stem of your plants. This is a very important step especially if you want to keep your flowers blooming all year long. With most types of plants you should clip off the flower as soon as it begins to wilt or die. This is a perfect time because your orchid has given most of its energy to the flower and will need to utilize what it has left.

Once you have pruned them you will see some new growth normally on the stem of your plant. You should see some sort of a nob where the new growth will sprout from. I believe as long as you cut the flower off as soon as it dies then you should some new growth within a couple of weeks or so.

Special Instructions for Certain Plants

Some orchids need special instructions when it comes to this simple process. For example Dendrobiums generate new growth from the stem and if you cut the whole stem or too far down, then the plant will most likely die or won’t be able to sustain new growth. So when you embark on this task with these plants make sure that you only cut about halfway down the stem and nothing more.

Vandas are another example of a special pruning flower. When their roots have turned to a black or yellow color it is time to stimulate their growth with some trimming. When you do this with these specific plants you need to make sure that you leave the green alone because this signals a healthy plant and as soon as it’s ready it will generate new growth.

Using This Process for Phalaenopsis

When it comes to Phalaenopsis orchids it is pretty easy. Cut off the flower as soon as it begins to wilt and it should bring you amazing new growth that will last for many years to come. After the season has finished and your flower has begun to shrivel then cut down to at least the second notch or node on the stem. This will allow for proper health of these flowers.

As you can see from this post pruning orchids is a very easy task and can be accomplished in just one minute. Take this information and start trimming all your flowers right away.

1 comment:

  1. Every season, orchid plant owners must do orchids pruning to make sure that their plants will grow healthier. But some people, especially novice orchid growers, are way too nervous about orchids pruning – they find it a difficult, intimidating task. You don’t really have to worry about it. This article will tell you how you can prune orchids the right way.
